Seafloor Sediments Morphodynamics: Implications on Subsea Facilities in Mfotu field offshore Eastern Niger Delta Nigeria

Hope Chibuzor Chuku(1), Ekaete Enamekere Umoh(2), Peace Oluwaseyi Agbaje(3),

(1) Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Nigeria
(2) Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Nigeria
(3) Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Nigeria
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Over 20km cruise of high-frequency 3.5 kHz, echo-sounder, side scan sonar and sub bottom profiler data were collected between October 9th and November 4th 2018 from Mfotu field Eastern Niger Delta with the aim to study the seafloor morphology. The field was divided into two acoustic facies: (a) Type A seabed is of high reflective sediments (sand) found on mid- to outer-section on seafloor less than 15m deep; (b) Type B seabed is of low reflective sediments (silt and clay) between 20 and 25m depth. The prominent seismo-stratigraphic layer was found 45m below the seabed which is the competent bed (lithified sediments) for subsea facilities installations. The acoustic facies were explained in terms of oceanographic influences on the field, there were no impediments to sea-going vessels/rigs navigation and the emplacement of subsea facilities like pipelines, jackets, platforms and cables observed in the study location.


Sediments, Seabed, Onboard instrumentation, Morphology

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DOI: 10.56534/acjpas.v2i1.80



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